Christian School Newbury Park

Discovery Christian Academy helps parents make great decisions for their children. Check out these parenting tips that will bring your family closer together.

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Summer Boredom Buster #3: The Living Room Fort

One of my favorite memories in elementary school was turning our living room into a huge fort. We had a sectional sofa and loveseat. My brother and I took off all the cushions, turned the couch pieces sideways, and proceeded to create our “secret” hide-away. During the summer, our parents would let us keep it up for weeks! We used blankets for the roof, and brought flashlights inside to read books or just hang out.

Parents, help your kids build memories like these. Don’t worry about a messy living room. It can look topsy-turvy for a couple of days, and your children will be grateful for the adventures! By the way, a good sofa can turn into a ship, a train, and a myriad of other imaginative quests.

Private School Newbury Park

Summer Boredom Buster #2: Running in the Sprinklers

Remember when running through the sprinklers was the highlight of your summer? Pull out the bathing suits and crank up the sprinklers on the next hot, sunny day. Even a five-minute cool-down can bring lasting memories. Make the activity educational by looking for rainbows through the water drops.

Christian School Newbury Park

Parent Tip #1: Family Chores

I’ve heard it before… when the kids help with chores, you have more work because you have to redo everything they’ve done. You have to clean up the messes they “cleaned”. You don’t have time for all that. So, give the kids chores that will help you. Even preschoolers can help sort socks or fold kitchen towels. Having kids help with chores gives them a sense of importance in the family. Plus, as they get better at their jobs, it means less work for you!
Preschool Jobs: load the dishwasher, feed the pets, help wipe up messes, pick up toys, make bed, match socks & fold simple laundry
Early Elementary Jobs: clear and set the table, empty the dishwasher, clean tables, clean bathroom counters, help pack school lunches, water plants, fold laundry
Upper Elementary Jobs: take the trash out, vacuum/mop, wash laundry, walk pets, help cook, yard work

Christian School Newbury Park

Summer Boredom Buster #1: Family Game Night

Remember back in the day when evenings consisted of games like Sorry, Monopoly, and Scrabble? Bring those memories to your children. Turn off the TV, video games, and even your cell. The kids will learn old-time skills like taking turns, rolling dice and counting spaces, following rules, and winning (or losing) graciously. Try it once and there may be some tears, but turn this into a routine, and your family is sure to grow closer together.
Preschool Games: Candy Land, Cooties, Hi Ho Cherry-O, Memory, Count Your Chickens, Raccoon Rumpus, The Ladybug Game
Early Elementary Games: Chutes and Ladders, Connect Four, Jenga, Dominos, Operation, Mouse Trap, Trouble, Charades, Pictionary
Older Elementary Games: Monopoly, Sorry, Stratego, Risk, Boggle, Clue

Discovery Christian Academy is a Christian School Newbury Park with high values. Our goal is to help you raise your children to love God and learning. Follow us on Facebook and Instagram.